MVM Spring Break Rock Camp, 2014
My Voice Music has a busy summer season ahead and we need some additional instruments to keep up with everything. This summer we are providing music camps and programs to our partner organizations (at Morrison Child & Family, Trillium Family Services, Albertina Kerr, Harkins House, and The Dougy Center), while also running our own rock camps, programs, and lessons out of MVM studios. We need more instruments to make all this happen and that’s where your help is needed!
Please contact if you have, or would like to purchase, any of the below instruments. We ask that all donated items be in working condition. Thank you!
Electric Guitars: 7 needed
Bass Guitars: 2 needed
Keyboard Stands: 3 needed
Cymbal Stands (for drum sets): 2 needed
Drum Throne: 1 needed
Guitar Stands – Five Rack: 3 needed
Mixing Board (Passive, 6 channel at least): 1 needed
Vocal Mics: 5 needed
Ukuleles: 15 needed
QSC Powered Speakers: 2 needed
Novation Groovebox: 6 needed
To coordinate donations contact our Studio Manager, Luke Hall:
phone: 971.533.8953 (leave a message and we will return your call shortly)
Thank you!